Stage 3: Our second budget consultation
Our second budget consultation ran from Monday 18 November 2024 to Wednesday 1 January 2025. In this consultation we invited all York residents to take part and have a say in how York’s money is spent.
We want to make sure the services you need continue, even though we have an approximate £30 million money gap.
Why your voice matters
Since May 2024 we've been talking about the budget though Our Big Budget Conversation.
Starting in June 2024, residents were invited to give their feedback on how the council operates. This was followed during the summer with a combination of workshops and on and offline surveys asking residents, businesses and partners which services they prioritise. Now, in this final stage, the Big Budget Consultation is asking people to provide their thoughts on proposals to help the council balance its budget based on feedback from the previous 2 stages.
The Our Big Budget consultation again included workshops and surveys, together with an opportunity for cross-party discussion at Scrutiny Committee on 11 November 2024.
Read the results of our second budget consultation.
Budget proposals will be discussed at the Budget Executive meeting on Tuesday 21 January 2025, followed by a Budget Council meeting on Thursday 27 February 2025, where a final decision will be made. Residents are encouraged to attend these meetings or share their views in advance by visiting the council’s website.
Find more information about the budget proposals and upcoming meetings.
This step-by-step approach which took place over more than 6 months was designed to help everyone understand how budget decision might affect different people and groups. It also looked at how partners, businesses and residents can work together to achieve shared goals for the city.