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Health and social care

AccessAble in York

AccessAble (previously Disabled Go) provides free, detailed accessibility information for disabled people across the UK.

It uses personally researched accessibility reviews for every venue listed on the website.

A lot of York's attractions have been researched by AccessAble; see a list of access guides for facilities in York.

More information on local services, providers and groups is available through Live Well York.

Also see

Adult Social Care Community Team

Telephone: 01904 555111, Textphone: 07534 437804

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA

Adult Social Care Emergency Duty Team

Contact the Emergency Duty Team for assistance.

We're available between 5.00pm and 8.30am, Monday to Friday, 24 hours a day over weekends (between 5.00pm Friday until 8.30am Monday), and 24 hours on bank holidays.

Telephone: 0300 1312131