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Website accessibility

We're committed to making our online services as accessible as possible for all customers, read our accessibility statement.

Alternatively you can find out more about:

Accessibility settings

Our accessibility settings allow you to control how our website looks, including:

  • changing the font and letter spacing
  • choosing your colour preferences
  • adjusting the text size

If you're using a desktop PC you can also change the text size using browser settings. Alternatively change text size using your keyboard. Hold down the 'Ctrl' key and use '+' or '-' to increase or decrease the size.

AbilityNet has advice on making your device easier to use if you have a disability.

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ReciteMe can help if you need to customise content so that you can read and understand it in ways which work best for you.

The ReciteMe toolbar includes features such as:

  • screen reader - this is useful if you have dyslexia or a mild visual impairment
  • language translation - ReciteMe can translate our webpages into over 100 languages, including 65 text to speech voices
  • styling and customisation - you can change our website's colour scheme as well as the font style, size and spacing
  • reading aids - this allows you to add a ruler, screen mask, magnifier, margins and a dictionary

Help with ReciteMe

A full range of support services are provided for ReciteMe:

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Other translation services

Although our website and documents are written in the English language, we will provide information in other languages and formats on request. We also offer a phone translation service. Find out about our Interpreting and translation services.

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BSL interpreting service

Customers who use British Sign Language can access our BSL interpreting service when visiting our customer centre and/or when contacting our customer service team from elsewhere.

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Accessible formats and reasonable adjustments

Find out about requesting online information in an accessible format, alternatively, if you require a reasonable adjustment to help you access our services offline, email: or telephone: 01904 551550.

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