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Change of circumstances and benefits

Let us know if something in your life changes which may affect your benefits that are managed by the council.

By law, you must tell us immediately if there's any change to the information we use to decide if you get:

Some changes in circumstances will mean that you can claim Universal Credit rather than continuing to receive Housing Benefit.

Report a change in circumstances

When you've reported a change of circumstance, you can upload any proof relating to the change you are reporting as part of this process. This will enable us to process the change as quickly as possible.

We may need to suspend payment of your claim to prevent any overpayment. If you fail to provide the requested evidence within one month, we may cancel your claim.

Make sure you print off or save your evidence checklist after you submit your application.

Which changes you need to tell us about

Tell us about changes to:

  • household income: including any changes to Universal Credit or Pension Credit
  • your home details: for example, if you change address, change your tenancy, or have a new landlord
  • your payments: for example, who we pay benefits to, or the way your benefits are paid
  • your circumstances/your partner’s circumstances: for example, name, job, the benefits you get, your income or savings
  • the people you live with: for example, their name, job, the benefits they get, their income or savings; if someone moves out or a new person moves in
  • your children: for example, if you start or stop paying for childcare or the amount of childcare you pay has changed

If you’re not sure – tell us anyway! Make sure you tell us as soon as possible.

If you don’t, you may not get what you’re entitled to, or you may:

  • get too much and have to pay it back
  • get your benefits stopped
  • face criminal charges for fraud

Telling other benefit agencies about changes

You must also tell the Pension Service and Jobcentre Plus about any changes that may affect other benefits that you claim, including:

  • Universal Credit
  • Pension Credit
  • Income Support
  • Jobseekers' Allowance

Changes to your circumstances may have a long-term affect on your income. Benefits advice agencies can help you make the right claims.

Also see

Benefits appointments

Contact us for an appointment to get benefits advice in person at West Offices.

Make an appointment
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