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Schools and education

Bikeability training in York's primary schools

Bikeability logo, with red, amber and green elliptical shapes, each having a black bike chain border and numbered 1, 2 and 3 to reference levels of cycle training.

Bikeability is the government’s national cycle training programme, which:

  • teaches practical skills to develop confidence in children who can already cycle
  • provides an understanding of how to cycle on today’s roads
  • helps to make children better cyclists, potentially for the rest of their lives
  • helps with general confidence and independent thinking

Parents and carers will receive details from their school about the Bikeability Level 1 and 2 Combined Cycle Training Courses taking place during school time in Year 5 or Year 6.

The Bikeability Training Level 1 and 2 combined course includes:

  • Level 1: up to 2 hours training on the school playground to improve bike handling skills
  • Level 2: up to 6 hours of practical training to help stay safe while cycling on the roads
  • a Bikeability badge and certificate for each completed level
  • access to the Bikeability Club to view reports, earn digital badges, claim exclusive offers, and more...

Donate towards Bikeability training in York schools

Parents and carers are asked to make a donation to support the ongoing delivery of Bikeability Training, so children in York's primary schools can continue to be provided with valuable life-skills.

However, donations are welcomed from anyone; you do not need to be the parent or carer of a current primary school pupil in order to contribute.

The suggested donation is £10.00 per pupil, but donors may opt to contribute more.

Donate towards Bikeability training

Please note, no individual pupil will be denied Bikeability training if their parent or carer is unable to make a donation.

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Road Safety Team

Eco Depot, Hazel Court, York, YO10 3DS

Telephone: 01904 555579