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Health and social care

York Unpaid Carers Survey

We need your help to understand how to improve support for unpaid carers in York.

We’re inviting unpaid carers, their families and friends, residents and people who support carers to take part in our survey and get involved in future discussions.

Anyone can be a carer, at any point in their life. A carer is anyone who cares, unpaid, for a friend or family member who due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction cannot cope without their support (Carers Trust definition).

Carers’ lives, roles and responsibilities are diverse, and their situations are unique. They may also be juggling different circumstances alongside their caring role such as employment, supporting with palliative care, parental responsibilities, and have their own care and support needs. Read more about caring as an unpaid carer.

At the time of the Office for National Statistics 2021 Census:

  • 14,868 people provided unpaid care in York (around 7% of the city’s population at that time)
  • 6,248 people were providing 20 or more hours of unpaid care a week, including 3,803 people doing so for 50 or more hours a week

However, only around 5,000 carers are currently registered with York Carers Centre to receive support in York.

This survey is split into 2 sections:

Find information about how to take part in the York Unpaid Carers Survey and find support for carers.

York Carers Strategy Survey - Section 1

We're working with partner organisations and carers in York to develop a new Carers Strategy for 2025 to 2030. The strategy will set out our shared vision for improving support for unpaid carers in York. It will also describe the key priority areas and commitments we plan to focus on to achieve the vision. 

To deliver the strategy, we'll develop detailed action plans with the help of carers and people that can make change happen. We'll review our progress on an ongoing basis to make sure we are taking the right action to improve the lives of carers, and the people they support.

We have identified the vision, priorities and commitments based on local carer feedback, local and national data, and strategy working group discussions.

Your feedback will help us make sure our strategy is as good as it can be, and that we are focusing on what is most important to carers in York.

It's important we hear from a diverse range of carers to understand what different people need and how we can improve the support that is available. We hope that our survey reaches carers we do not usually hear from, including carers who may not even recognise themselves as carers.

We welcome your feedback if you:

  • are a carer or former carer
  • are cared for or are supported by a carer
  • know someone who is a carer
  • work or volunteer in a service or setting that supports carers
  • are an employer
  • are a resident of York with an interest in improving support for carers

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York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Survey - Section 2

York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals Trust would like to hear about the experience of carers when visiting the hospital.

The Trust are currently developing a carers improvement plan and sharing your experience will help the Trust understand what's going well and what they could improve on.

If you have any questions about the improvement plan and would like to be involved, email:

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Take part in the York Unpaid Carers Survey

There are a few ways to take part in the York Unpaid Carers Survey.

Take part in the York Unpaid Carers Survey online

Alternatively, paper copies are available by email: or telephone: 01904 551550. If you need the survey in a different language or format (for example, large print, braille, BSL and audio) email: In addition, you can use our BSL Video Relay Service where you can select ‘Switchboard’ from the menu.

This Survey closes on Sunday 16 March 2025.

We'll publish the results of this survey online on York Open Data.

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Find support for carers

If you're a carer and need support, contact York Carers Centre by:

Alternatively, visit the York Carers Centre website for more information.

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Also see

Adult Social Care Community Team

Telephone: 01904 555111, Textphone: 07534 437804

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA

Adult Social Care Emergency Duty Team

Contact the Emergency Duty Team for assistance.

We're available between 5.00pm and 8.30am, Monday to Friday, 24 hours a day over weekends (between 5.00pm Friday until 8.30am Monday), and 24 hours on bank holidays.

Telephone: 0300 1312131