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Health and social care

Children and young people in care

If children are unable to live with their own families we have a duty under the Children Act 1989 to look after and provide accommodation for them.

Every child who is 'looked after' has a social worker who assesses the situation and creates a plan of care, setting out:

  • why the child is being looked after
  • how long they will be looked after
  • who needs to take action
  • what needs to be done to make sure that the plan is carried out effectively

Looked after children usually live with foster carers or in a children's home. In our area, there are many 'approved foster placements' which can be matched to the needs of individual children of all ages. York has one children's home looking after up to 6 young people aged 13 and over.

Support for disabled children and their families

We also provide a range of services for children who have physical and learning disabilities or complex health needs. Our specialist social workers can assess their needs so that care and support packages can be agreed. Contact the Referral Co-ordinator for Disabled Children for further information.

Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaires

Understanding a child in care’s emotional, mental health and behavioural needs is as important as their physical health. All local authorities are required to use the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaires (SDQs) to assess the emotional needs of each child.

The SDQ is a short screening questionnaire. It has 5 sections that cover details of:

  1. emotional difficulties
  2. conduct problems
  3. hyperactivity or inattention
  4. friendships and peer groups
  5. positive behaviour

You'll receive an email asking you to complete an SDQ annually. However, should you wish to complete one sooner than this contact the child’s social worker.

If you or anyone is concerned that the SDQ identifies potential concerns that are not being addressed by the care plan or current provision of services, discuss this with the child’s social worker as soon as possible.

Also see

Children's Services Team

Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) Team

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA

Telephone: 01904 551900

Referral Coordinator for Disabled Children

Children’s Health and Disability (CHAD) Team

Avenues Children’s Centre, Sixth Avenue, York, YO31 0UT

Telephone: 01904 555693

City of York Safeguarding Children Partnership

The City of York Safeguarding Children Partnership (CYSCP) has a vision for children to grow up in safety and to always feel safe; CYSCP support and enable local organisations to work together to safeguard children and young people.
Speak Up - York's Children's Rights and Advocacy Service (logo)

Speak Up is the name of York's children's rights and advocacy service, which promotes rights and entitlements, to facilitate participation opportunities for children and young people.

Visit the Speak UP website