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Parking and permits

Clamping and removal

Incorrectly parked vehicles may be clamped and removed in cases where 3 penalty charge notices (PCNs) have been issued in the previous 6 months, and those PCNs haven't been paid, or cancelled following a successful challenge.

We take action to clamp vehicles if a fourth PCN is issued.

Removal of vehicles

If a vehicle has been clamped for at least 24 hours, or it is causing an obstruction, it may be removed and taken to storage facilities.

Removal without clamping can happen when vehicles are parked:

  • causing a major obstruction to traffic or a danger to pedestrians or other road users
  • on a bus stop, taxi rank or clearway where stopping is prohibited
  • in a specially designated reserved parking place (for doctors or disabled people)
  • in a suspended parking place
  • in a loading bay or loading gap
  • when a road is closed

If you believe we've clamped or removed your vehicle, contact Parking Services.

Also see

Parking Services

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA

Telephone: 01904 551309

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