Cold calling is a crime which may include:
- bogus traders who visit homes uninvited
- offers to carry out unwanted or unnecessary work
- use of aggressive selling techniques
In most cases where traders sell products to consumers in their homes, the law requires that a 'cooling-off period' is provided, during which a customer can change their mind with:
- no obligation
- no payment required
The trader may be committing an offence and any contract could be unenforceable if they fail to provide written notice of a 'cooling-off period'.
Visit the Business Companion website for more information about your legal rights when dealing with cold callers, or if you're a business seeking advice on the law in this area.
Cold Calling Controlled Zones
We operate over 200 'Cold Calling Controlled Zones' (CCCZs) across York to help reduce instances of cold calling.
Cold Calling Controlled Zones map
CCCZs are marked in brown on the map; click an individual feature to see more details.
Zoom in (+) or zoom out; (-) or move/drag the map to reveal information; you can also:
- search by street name or postcode
- click >> or << to reveal or hide the map legend
We create CCCZs at the request of residents.
People living in the zones collectively agree to help reduce doorstep crime further by:
- refusing to deal with cold callers
- reporting anyone breaching the zones to the police or Trading Standards
CCCZs are indicated by signs, advising would-be doorstep traders that restrictions are in place.
Contact Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on telephone: 0808 223 1133 for details of how to apply for a new Cold Calling Controlled Zone.
Dealing with cold callers
If you live within a CCCZ, report any cold callers to:
- the police (non-emergency number 101), or
- Trading Standards
If you don't live within a CCCZ, report a trader that you're concerned about by contacting the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline.