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Children and families

Community and Partnership Officers

Community and Partnership Officers

Community and Partnership Officers work with local partners in the voluntary, community and faith sectors to support the development of services for children and young people aged 0-19, and their families.

From toddler groups, summer activities, youth clubs, parenting programmes and local packages of family support, Community and Partnership Officers aim to work with partners to ensure that children and families can access relevant services in their local communities.

Community and Partnership Officers can work with your organisation to help you access local funding and resources, and help you understand the needs of children and families in your area.

If you are an organisation in York working with children, young people and families and would like more information on how Community and Partnership Officers could support you, please contact us.

Resources for organisations working with children, young people and families

See our directory of services which provides information on local services for children, young people and families.

York Council for Voluntary Services can also provide support for voluntary organisations and community groups to help them be as effective and sustainable as possible.

Also see

Community and Partnership Officers

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA

Telephone: 01904 551900