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Streets, roads and pavements

Definitive Map Modification Order Register

The definitive map and statement is legally conclusive proof that a right of way exists in the position shown on the map. It allows us to take action against anyone who tries to prevent the public using these routes.

You can make a Definitive Map Modification Order (DMMO) application to change the definitive map if you think a PRoW:

  • is not recorded on the definitive map and statement
  • is recorded incorrectly

We're required to keep a register of every DMMO application we receive. We update the DMMO Register as we receive new DMMO applications, and when details of a particular DMMO change - such when a final decision is made.

Search the DMMO Register using:

  • post code
  • parish name
  • status applied for (such as footpath, bridleway, restricted byway, B.O.A.T.)

You can view details of all DMMO Applications in the Definitive Map Modification Order Register.

Also see

Public Rights of Way Team

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA

Telephone: 01904 551550