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Out-of-hours emergencies

During normal opening times we deal with urgent problems within 2 hours; use our eForms to report problems.

To report an emergency (fire, flood, criminal act, or circumstances posing risk to public health and safety) that requires immediate attention 'out of hours' (after 5.00pm Monday to Thursday, or between 3.00pm Friday and 8.30am Monday), telephone: 01904 551550.

We deal with the removal of dead animals and dead birds from land we own, including:

  • roads
  • pavements
  • public open spaces

Report dead animals

Use our street cleaning eForm to report dead animals or dead birds: report street cleaning.

When you report a street cleaning problem we’ll check the location and aim to clean up on our first visit.

Our responsibility for dead animals

We appreciate it can sometimes be difficult to determine ownership of a dead animal. However, we can not remove dead animals or birds from private land as the responsibility lies with the owner (of the land or the animal).

Dead animals in rivers

The Environment Agency deal with the removal of dead animals from main rivers if there is a blockage or a risk of flooding.

The Internal Drainage Board will deal with 'watercourses' which are not main rivers. However, they may try to contact the appropriate landowner to deal with removal in the first instance.

Also see

Waste, Highways and Environmental Services

Telephone: 01904 551551