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Schools and education

Early Talk for York Roadmap: With Family Learning

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Early Talk for York is an approach to improve speech, language and communication of children aged 0 to 5 years.

View the full roadmap for the overview of opportunities available to help organisations achieve Early Talk for York's 3-step approach.


With Family Learning

The home learning environment makes a big difference to outcomes for children.

The Family Learning team can provide additional support for parents and carers to help their children's development, closely aligned with the Early Talk for York approach.

Step 1

Family Learning

The 'Early Start' programme is available to support families with the Look Sing Play activities.

Step 2

Family Learning

Tutors from Family Learning can be embedded in schools to provide focussed support for families.

View the full roadmap for an overview of the Early Talk for York approach.

Also see

Early Talk for York

Children's Services

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA