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Sports and leisure

HealthWise Exercise Referral Programme

The 'HealthWise' Exercise Referral Programme in York is managed by Greenwich Leisure Limited (GLL). The service operates from Energise Leisure Centre in Acomb.

The HealthWise Exercise Referral Programme lets those with health or mobility issues access exercise classes and facilities in order to achieve better health and wellbeing.

Most sessions are held at Energise, but are also available at a number of locations across York, with support and instruction from experienced professionals.

Activities are available for a range of ability levels and include:

  • aerobics
  • gym circuits and sessions
  • Nordic walking
  • Pilates
  • swimming
  • tai chi

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HealthWise Exercise Referral Programme fees

Once you have been referred to the HealthWise programme, you can access activities on a "pay per session" basis, or take out a HealthWise membership with Energise at a reduced cost.

The HealthWise membership will include access to a range of available classes and access to the Energise facilities.

Not all HealthWise activities are covered by the HealthWise Energise membership, and those which take place at other locations may still require a "pay per session" payment.

Accessing the HealthWise programme

Any exercise referrals must be made on your behalf by your GP or other healthcare professional. Referrals should be directed to HealthWise.

Healthcare professionals will need to register to refer patients to the HealthWise Exercise Referral Programme.

For further information, contact Jason Minto the HealthWise coordinator on telephone: 01904 403917 or email

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Sport and Active Leisure Team

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA

Telephone: 01904 553372

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