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Streets, roads and pavements

Excavating the highway

If you want to dig up a road, pavement or highway verge ('excavate a highway'), you’ll need a Section 50 or 171 licence from us.

Before sending your application, see our fees and charges for highway excavation applications.

Make an application to excavate the highway

Download and complete the following forms to make your application:

After you've sent your application, you can expect to hear from us within 10 working days.

Notice periods for excavating the highway

The following notice periods apply for planned works:

  • 3 working days for minor works
  • 10 working days for standard works
  • 3 months for major works (lasting over 10 working days, or involving a road closure)

Application for temporary traffic lights

Visit our temporary traffic light page for instructions on how to apply for temporary traffic lights.

How we process your application

We require time to process and consider your application before it can be granted.

In this case:

  • you can't assume permission will be given
  • we'll contact you within 10 working days to acknowledge receipt of your application

You can't act as if your application has been granted if we don't respond within expected timeframes.

If you haven't heard from us within 10 working days, please contact us to check the status of your application.

Also see

Streetworks Team

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA