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Planning and building

Householder appeals service

The Planning Inspectorate Householder Appeals Service is a speed service just for householder appeals.

It uses the original application file held by us, in an electronic format, to administer the appeal:

  • we supply our decision notice in relation to the appeal together with any internal reports, but don't provide a formal appeal statement or attend the site visit
  • as 'the appellant' you send an appeal statement with your appeal forms
  • Planning Inspectors work entirely electronically and visit the site - with the appellant in some cases, to provide access

The streamlined process aims to decide householder appeals quicker than standard appeals. See current information on how long appeals take from the Planning Inspectorate:

  • for appellants, the process is simpler to understand, requires less form filling and relies mainly on documentation already sent to the local planning authority. There are therefore reductions in the time taken to submit the appeal and ultimately in receiving the decision
  • for the Inspectorate there is less time taken in chasing up missing documents, putting the appeal file together, and generally administering the process
  • for us, time and cost savings are achieved by not having to provide a formal appeal statement, by using electronic files, filling in simpler forms and by removing the need to attend appeal site visit

Find out more

Further information can be found on the Planning Inspectorate website.

Appeals can be submitted online via the Planning Portal.

Also see

Planning Enquiries

DM Business Support

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA

Telephone: 01904 551553

The Planning Inspectorate

Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Temple Quay, Bristol, BS1 6PN

Telephone: 0303 444 5000