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Immigration inspections

You can apply for an 'immigration inspection' if you are the sponsor of the person(s) coming to the UK. Our assessment:

  • looks at the number of rooms and occupants of the proposed accommodation
  • ensures the property is safe, in a good state of repair and doesn't pose a health and safety risk
  • checks whether the property would become overcrowded if more people move in

Following an inspection, we'll provide a report which is valid for 12 weeks.

Arranging an immigration inspection

An immigration inspection and report costs £224.40 (including VAT) - you need to pay this fee before you can arrange a date and time for the inspection.

Pay for an immigration inspection online

Once you have made the payment, contact our Healthy and Sustainable Homes Service to arrange an inspection.

Also see

Housing Standards Team

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA

Telephone: 01904 552300