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Invite the Civic Party to your event

The Civic Party are committed to supporting York's:

  • charities
  • social enterprises
  • churches and faith communities

They welcome all invitations to highlight and celebrate contributions made by those who serve the people of York.

We require 28 days' notice to consider and process event invitation enquiries for the Lord Mayor, the Sheriff, and/or the Civic Party to attend an event in person.

Civic Party invitation enquiries

Complete our Civic Party event invitation enquiry form if you'd like the Lord Mayor, Sheriff, and/or Civic Party to attend an event.

Civic Party event invitation enquiry form

Contact the Civic Office to request a printed copy of this form; please provide your postal address.

View the Civic Party Event Protocol to consider in preparation for your event.

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Also see

The Civic Office

Civic Services

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA
Mayoral emblem

Lord Mayor's and Sheriff's charities

Find our how the Lord Mayor of York's fundraising committee supports local charities.

Celebrating fundraising across York