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Joint Housing Protocol for care leavers

The Joint Housing Protocol for care leavers is for:

  • young people aged 16 to 25 who have housing and support needs, and who have left or are due to leave the care of City of York Council
  • qualifying care leavers, who will be considered under this protocol following an individual assessment of need by the Pathway Team
  • unaccompanied Asylum Seekers who are eligible for a leaving care service and have been granted refugee status; this also applies to those who qualify and are given leave to remain, up to the age of 20 or an extension beyond the age of 18 for a minimum of 1 year

Care experienced young people who are the responsibility of another local authority may also fall within the remit of this protocol.

We will always ask ourselves: 'Is this good enough for my child?'

Where to find support

There are lots of people who can support you on your journey to your new home, these include:

  • pathway workers
  • Housing Registrations Team
  • Housing Options Team
  • social workers
  • advocates

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Move On Meeting

Every month a meeting is held, called a Move On Meeting. The purpose of this meeting is to make sure that your accommodation is safe, suitable and your options are considered.

If you have any issues where you live, we can also talk about these at the meeting so your issues are resolved as soon as possible, and you can be offered the right support.

There are lots of ways to ensure your views are shared but if you would like to attend a move on meeting ask your pathway worker.

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Your new home

When you move into your new home, we'll make sure it's in a lettable standard. 'Lettable standard' means:

  • we'll remove graffiti, replace damp or damaged plaster, and smoothly fill all holes larger than 3 cm in diameter. If the decoration is damaged, dirty has minor we provide a Crown Paint decorating pack
  • doors and windows will be secure, opening and closing freely
  • floor tiles will be level and safe. We'll replace damaged floor tiles with the closest match available. If there is carpet or carpet grippers that are in good condition the tenant can choose whether to keep them
  • stairs will be safe to use with a secure handrail and good condition carpet grippers in place
  • internal woodwork will be free from damage or decay
  • your kitchen will be clean and in a safe and hygienic condition. The property will have a connection for either a gas or electric cooker and we will fit a socket and plumbing for a washing machine
  • your bathroom will be clean and in a safe and hygienic condition without leaks or damage. Baths and basins will have tiled splashbacks or a wet wall. Showers will have fully tiled walls
  • the property and garden will be clean and free of rubbish and belongings

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Also see

Housing Registrations Team

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA

Telephone: 01904 554044