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Local land charges search

A 'local land charges search' is carried out by a solicitor or licensed conveyancer acting on behalf of a person buying or selling land or property; it is designed to give any potential buyer as much information as possible about the property.

What a local land charges search can tell you

The standard local land charges search is divided into 2 parts:

  • LLC1 - Form LLC1 is a search of the local land charges register and will tell you if, for example, the property is a listed building or if it is in a conservation or smoke control zone. It'll also tell you if any trees on the property are protected by tree preservation orders.
  • CON29(R) - The CON29(R) contains a series of standard questions covering planning, highways, building control and environmental health.

Forms are available from any legal stationer or the Law Society. These are normally submitted to us together with a location plan, in duplicate and up to Ordnance Survey standards, by the solicitor or licensed conveyancer acting on your behalf. There are also a series of optional enquiries that can be asked by submitting form CON29(O).

Location plans are available from Land Registry on GOV.UK.

Requesting a local land charges search

Your solicitor or licensed conveyancer will submit the search application along with the appropriate fee to the Local Land Charges Team. Currently we return search applications within 3 working days or less.

We are connected to the National Land Information Service (NLIS) at Level 3, which means that search applications can be submitted electronically, as well as by post.

All searches must be accompanied by 2 location plans.

Local search fees


Item Cost for residential properties Cost for commercial properties
LLC1 £15.00 £15.00
CON29 Part 1 £147.60 (including VAT) £286.80 (including VAT)
CON29 Part 2 Optional enquiries £45.60 (including VAT) £45.60 (including VAT)
CON29 Part 2 Additional enquiries £81.60 (including VAT) £81.60 (including VAT)
LLC1 Additional parcel fee £1.00  
CON29 Additional parcel fee £10.20 (including VAT) £10.20 (including VAT)

Electronic NLIS Searches

Item Cost for residential properties Cost for commercial properties
LLC1 £15.00 £15.00
CON29 Part 1 £147.60 (including VAT) £147.60 (including VAT)
CON29 Part 2 Optional enquiries £45.60 (including VAT) £45.60 (including VAT)
CON29 Part 2 Additional enquiries £81.60 (including VAT) £81.60 (including VAT)
LLC1 Additional parcel fee £1.00 £1.00
CON29 Additional parcel fee £10.20 (including VAT) £10.20 (including VAT)

NLIS property search partners include:

Also see

Local Land Charges

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA

Telephone: 01904 551658