City of York Council has a legal duty to provide a comprehensive and efficient library service for all those who “live, work or study and want to access the service” in the city (Public Libraries and Museums Act 1964).
We're currently inviting people who live, work or study in York to help shape the future of the library service.
York has a great library and archives service that the Council is very proud of which has seen significant capital investment recently, including a new gateway library for Haxby and Wigginton in 2023 and a new library learning centre in Clifton opened in September 2024.
The council awarded a contract to Explore York Libraries and Archives Mutual Limited in 2019 to deliver our statutory duties for libraries and archives for the next 15 years. The contract with Explore York has been very successful and we want the service to continue to be so.
A good library service is designed according to the needs of its population and the council wants to make sure that, although there are financial challenges and a need to make savings, we continue to meet those needs. We're therefore working on a Libraries Needs Assessment and this survey is part of that.
The Archives Service is not within the scope of this engagement.
We want to know how and when you use the service and what’s important to you.
This is not a formal consultation; it's a chance for you to help us with our planning. As part of this early engagement exercise, we're also undertaking focus workshops with key groups, which includes:
- families and children
- young adults
- York Access Forum
- York Disability Rights Forum
- Parish Councils
- library users
We'll use the survey results to inform our future proposals. When we're ready with our proposals, there will be a formal consultation and you'll have a chance to have your say on future options.
See more information about the current library and archive services operated by Explore York.
Take part in the Library Services Public Engagement Survey
The Library Services Public Engagement Survey closes 7 February 2025.
We've prepared a British Sign Language (BSL) video with instructions on how to complete the questionnaire:
BSL instructions on how to complete the questionnaire (YouTube).
If you're unable to complete the Library Services Public Engagement Survey online:
- visit any Explore Library, where you can access the online form
- contact our Customer Centre on telephone: 01904 551550 to request a paper copy and a freepost return envelope
- visit West Offices, where we can help you to complete the form, or you can drop off completed paper forms
- visit West Offices, if you require support using BSL and we’ll help you to access this service, you do not need to make an appointment
- use our BSL Video Relay Service
Explanation of the Library Services Public Engagement Survey - easy read version
Download the Explanation of the Library Services Public Engagement Survey - easy read version.
How to request alternative formats
If you require this questionnaire in an alternative format, such as braille or large print, email:, or contact Customer Services on telephone: 01904 551550.