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York's licensing policy

Statement of Licensing Policy and Cumulative Impact Assessment Consultation

We’ve reviewed the evidence base for an area within the city walls and includes Blossom Street, known as the cumulative impact area (CIA). The evidence base details updated figures for crimes, disorders, anti-social behaviour and noise. Applicants for new licensed premises, or licence holders wishing to change their licence, for premises within this area need to take the CIA and policy (especially section 9) into consideration.

Due to the review of the CIA and to reflect how sales and the use of alcohol has changed in the last three years, the council is updating its Statement of Licensing Policy around the selling or supply of alcohol and what should be taken into consideration when applying for a licence.

The way alcohol is sold, its impact on the city and working in Yorks licensed trade, are being updated in a new draft policy for the coming 5 years. The proposed Statement of Licensing Policy has been amended to reflect the Council Plan ‘One city for all’.

Residents, businesses and anyone affected can comment on these proposals, which are highlighted in yellow in the policy, and include:

  • tackling drink spiking and violence against women and girls
  • tackling hate crime and how to report it
  • an increase in alcohol being sold in ‘bottomless brunches’; by QR code; and staff selling shots
  • limiting the sale of high strength beers/lagers/ciders at off licences
  • reducing levels of waste and environmental considerations.
  • improving disabled access, considering quiet zones, accessible toilets and large-print menus
  • advice for staff to get home safely after late shifts
  • numbers of alcohol-related hospital admissions

Please read and let us know what you think of the CIA and policy at:

Hard copies of the CIA and Policy are available upon request from Licensing Services.

Any comments should be sent to Licensing Services, and must be received by no later than 2 February 2025.

The results of the consultation will be considered by the Licensing and Regulatory Committee before being approved by Full Council in 2025

We've published a Cumulative Impact Assessment (CIA), in accordance with the requirements of the Licensing Act 2003.

As the 'Licensing Authority' we have a duty to produce a Statement of Licensing Policy. This policy, published in March 2022, sets out the general approach we will take when making licensing decisions.

As the ‘Licensing Authority’ we have also produced a Cumulative Impact Assessment, published in March 2022 in accordance with the requirements of the Licensing Act 2003.

Also see

Licensing Services

Eco Depot, Hazel Court, York, YO10 3DS

Telephone: 01904 552422