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Non-medicinal poisons licence

The poisons list contains a list of poisons covered by the Poisons Act:

  • part I of this list contains poisons which may only be sold by a registered pharmacist
  • part II of the list contains the poisons which can't be sold unless you are registered to do so with us. You need to register with us if you want to sell these non-medicinal poisons. We keep a list of people who are entitled to sell these poisons

Please contact trading standards for information about poisons covered by the law.

Apply to join the list

To join the non-medicinal poisons list (persons entitled to sell Part II poisons), please complete the poisons application form and return to us.

As from 1 April 2015, there is no longer a charge for this licence.

Public Protection - Trading Standards

Eco Depot, Hazel Court, York, YO10 3DS

Telephone: 0808 223 1133