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Planning and building

Our City Centre York Engagement

Our City Centre York Engagement

We undertook the main stages of consultation to establish a vision as part of the ‘My’ City Centre Project, over 2020 and 2021. The My City Centre Vision, and subsequently the Our City Centre York Vision, has been endorsed by the Council’s Executive following this extensive public engagement in October 2023. This project has now moved into the delivery stage.

We've listened to residents, businesses and stakeholders, who, like us, care deeply about York. You have helped us to design a vision which will create a city centre that you want to use and spend time in.

By listening and engaging with you:

  • we've heard lots of amazing views, ideas and suggestions about what you want the city centre to look like in the future
  • your feedback has helped us to build a vision for the city centre
  • the vision (approved in October 2023) will guide investment, and shape development and improvement projects in York city centre for decades to come

Over 5,000 contributions to the vision development were made throughout the engagement process, including almost 1,000 questionnaire responses in the most recent stage to test the draft vision. We have engaged with the public across a wide range of platforms, from pop-up events and interactive consultation stands in early stages, through use of the council’s Our City publication (received by all households) and interest group attendance, to social media videos and animations, wide press coverage and the interactive Facebook live question and answer event.

Engagement on Our City Centre is currently closed. A summary of engagement carried out can be found in the Our City Centre York summary of the open community brief.

We want to say thank you to residents and businesses in York for helping to shape a bold and exciting new vision for York city centre.

Keep up-to-date with Our City Centre York; follow #OCCYork on our social media channels.

Also see

Our City Centre York

Delivering a new vision for York’s city centre

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA