There are several types of formal pedestrian crossing:
- pelican crossing: these signal-controlled crossing are being phased out following national guidance
- puffin crossing: the typical signal-controlled crossing that you’ll see in York. They have near-sided pedestrian indications and provide a safe and efficient crossing point for pedestrians
- toucan crossing: similar to a puffin signal-controlled crossings, but arranged to allow pedestrians and cyclists to cross the road in safely
- zebra crossing: marked with dark and light stripes on the road, with belisha beacons, giving priority to pedestrians - not traffic signal controlled
- traffic signals: controlled road junctions with a sequence of lights to share out the use of the highways with drivers, cyclists and pedestrians
In addition to formal crossings, there are also a number of informal crossings:
- dropped kerb crossings: to help wheelchair or mobility scooter users and people with pushchairs to cross roads safely
- kerb build-outs: to reduce the crossing distance
- central refuge crossings: to enable roads to be crossed in two stages
Replacement of pelican crossings
Puffin crossings have been introduced in York, replacing some older pelican crossings, because they:
- cut delays
- improve the flow of traffic
- increase pedestrians' safety
- benefit both pedestrians and drivers
Also see
Transport Systems Team
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