If you want to store petroleum which is intended to be put into the fuel tank of internal combustion engines (for example, into a vehicle in a petrol station), then you will need a licence.
Please read our petroleum storage guidance before completing the petroleum storage licence application form:
- petroleum storage guidance
- petroleum storage facts and fees
- petroleum storage licence application form
Return your application to Licensing Services, along with the appropriate fee.
You can expect to hear from us within 12 weeks for the granting of a new licence, and within 28 days for a renewal.
Petroleum licence fees
See details of fees for petroleum certificates and licences.
How we process your application
We require time to process and consider your application before it can be granted.
In this case:
- you can't assume permission will be given
- we'll contact you within 28 days to acknowledge receipt of your application
You can't act as if your application has been granted if we don't respond within expected time frames.
If you haven't heard from us within 28 days, please contact us to check the status of your application.