We'll aim to acknowledge receipt of your application within a few days.
If there are any problems with the information you've sent us we'll contact you (or your appointed agent) to let you know what you need to do.
Letters and notices
During the first week, we send out letters to neighbours, arrange site notices and press notices to be displayed (which of these we do depends on the type of application).
We also consult specialist organisations, parish councils and planning panels, and different sections of the Council on the development proposed. Generally, these groups and individuals have three weeks to respond.
We may need to contact you (or your appointed agent) about changes that need to be made to your application.
Planning case officer
Each application is assigned a case officer who will make arrangements with you, your agent, and people who have responded to the proposal consultation.
If you have questions about the progress of your application speak to your case officer using the contact details in your application acknowledgment.
Consultation and consideration
Whilst we're consulting on the proposal, your case officer will visit the site and assess the proposal.
Once the consultation process has ended, we will consider the proposal against our policies contained in the Local Plan and any other policies, relevant documents and standards.
The Planning portal has more information about the general principles involved in the process as well as help and advice. The issues that can be taken into account when considering planning applications are known as material planning considerations. Read more about material planning considerations.
Also see
Planning Enquiries
DM Business Support