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Schools and education

Policies for the 2026 to 2027 school year

The admissions policies, published admission numbers and related documents for schools in the City of York area advise how admissions applications and decisions will be made for the 2026 to 2027 school year.

Some documents will apply to more than one school where the policy applies to Community and Voluntary Controlled schools and schools within a Multi Academy Trust. The schools to which the policy applies are listed in the policy. The Published Admission Number (PAN) for each school is included in each policy too.

Feedback provided through the admission consultation survey, regarding schools where City of York Council are the Admission Authority, was considered by City of York Council. Feedback provided through the admission consultation survey, regarding schools which are part of a Multi Academy Trust, where the Trust is the Admission Authority, were passed to the Trust to be considered.

These are the admission policies and arrangements for 2026 to 2027 admissions to schools within the City of York. If you would like a copy of the Guide to Admission Policies or Guide to School Catchment Areas these will be available from August 2025 and can be requested, once published, by email: All admission policies are available on this page and you can check catchment areas online.

If you would like to see a map of catholic churches and their parish boundaries in york, contact your school. Alternatively, email:

Coordinated Admissions Schemes

There are 3 Coordinated Admissions Schemes.

Each Scheme explains how the Local Authority will coordinate applications for entry into Reception, Year 3 and Year 7 for all schools (including key dates on coordinating with other local authorities):

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Admissions policies

Community and Voluntary Controlled schools

These admissions policies apply to Community and Voluntary Controlled (CVC) schools within the City of York area (that is, where the City of York Council is the admissions authority):

Note: A policy is not required for Year 3 this year, as we don't currently have any CVC junior schools.

Academy and Voluntary Aided schools

These are the admissions policies for Academy or Voluntary Aided Schools.

Some schools have their own admissions policy, and some share a policy - for example, non-church schools within the same Academy Trust.

It's apparent from each policy which schools are covered. We would advise that you also consult the website of the school or Academy Trust.

Note: Recently converted academies may not be listed here, as they'll be covered by the Community and Voluntary Controlled policy in place before they became an academy.

Supplementary Information Forms

You'll require a Supplementary Information Form (SIF) when you need to apply for a specific type of school place, for example:

  • a place in a ballot
  • on the grounds of religion or belief

If the Supplementary Information Form is not listed below please contact the school directly.

Year 12

There are 5 admissions policies for Post-16/Year 12 entry.

Each school has a separate admissions policy:

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Catchment areas

Find details of current Primary and Secondary catchment areas online or in our Guide for Parents.

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Other related documents

The following documents don't only relate to the 2025 to 2026 school year, but were included in the consultation:

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School admissions Determination Notice

Following consultation, all admission authorities must formally set ('determine') their admission arrangements by 28 February 2025 in line with the School Admissions Code (GOV.UK).

The Determination Notice contains details of the decision made by the Director of Prevention Commissioning and Education to determine the arrangements for Community and Voluntary Controlled schools.

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