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Premises plan for licence applications

A plan of the premise is required for a grant of a premise licence application. A plan may also be required when varying a premise licence dependent on what is being applied for. Unless the licensing section has previously agreed in writing that an alternative scale plan is acceptable, the plan should be drawn to the standard scale of 1:100.

The plan shall show:

  • the extent of the boundary of the building, if relevant, and any external and internal walls of the building and, if different, the perimeter of the premises
  • the location of access and egress points from the premises
  • if different from above, the location of escape routes from the premises
  • where the premises are used for more than one existing licensable activity, the areas within the premises used for each activity
  • where an existing licensable activity relates to the supply of alcohol, the location or locations on the premises which is or are used for consumption of alcohol
  • fixed structures (including furniture) or similar objects temporarily in a fixed location (but not furniture) which may impede individuals exiting or escaping the premises
  • the location of any stage or raised area indicating height in relation to the floor
  • the location of any steps, stairs, elevators or lifts
  • the location of any public toilets
  • the location and type of any fire safety and any other safety equipment, and the location of any kitchen

Also see

Licensing Services

Eco Depot, Hazel Court, York, YO10 3DS

Telephone: 01904 552422