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Children and families

Raise York

Raise York logo

Raise York believes that all children and young people in York deserve the best start and the chance to thrive. Every family, child and young person should be able to get help, information and support, at the right time and place. They should be able to reach their full potential and lead healthy, happy lives.

Families and communities help provide a foundation for children and young people to grow, develop and feel safe.

The Raise York website brings together children, young people, families, communities and professionals so everyone can get the connections, help and support they want and need.

Raise York is a network of people, places and online support. It supports children, young people and families from pregnancy to adulthood. You can expect a warm welcome in your local community and to be guided to the right support for you.

How our Raise York service can help you

Through the Raise York service, we will provide you with information and advice about:

  • planning to have a baby and pregnancy
  • health and wellbeing
  • healthy eating
  • speech, language and communication
  • childcare
  • finance and housing
  • education

The Raise York website also provides information for professionals in the workforce. It hosts a range of information about:

  • the Quality Improvement Team
  • roles within Early Years
  • apprenticeships
  • recruitment and selection
  • Shared Foundation Partnerships
  • childcare sufficiency
  • childcare business support
  • Early Years Inclusion Fund and Disability Access Fund

Also see

Family Information Service

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA

Telephone: 01904 554444