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Schools and education

Support for children and young people with Special Educational Needs

If your child has special education needs (SEN) they can get help via their nursery, school or college; this is known as 'SEN support'.

SEN support stages

In York SEN support is approached in four stages:

  1. Assess - your child's difficulties are assessed so the right support can be provided. This includes discussing your concerns, talking with professionals who work with your child (including their teacher) and looking at records of previous assessments. This may also include getting advice from an educational psychologist, a specialist teacher or health professional
  2. Plan - with your involvement, the nursery, school or college agrees what the SEN support intends to achieve (the 'outcomes'), how your child will benefit from the help they get, and when the plan should be reviewed
  3. Do - the nursery, school or college puts agreed SEN support in place. Teachers remain responsible for working with your child on a daily basis, although other staff may be involved in delivering support and overseeing the progress your child makes
  4. Review - your child's SEN support is reviewed at the point agreed during the planning stage. You can check whether the outcomes have been met and whether further support is needed

Find out more about Ordinarily Available Provision.

Also see

Special Educational Needs Services

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA

Telephone: 01904 554336