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Schools and education

Becoming a School Governor or trustee

The role of school governor is a demanding one, but one that also gives a great deal of satisfaction to the many people who volunteer for the role. It is the largest volunteer force in the country and here in York there are just over 900 governors and trustees helping to improve the educational opportunities and experience for the city's children and young people.

We're looking for high quality individuals who are interested in supporting governing boards. It will help if you have experience of:

  • leadership roles
  • human resources
  • legal
  • finance
  • building maintenance
  • education
  • corporate governance

There's no requirement for you to have a formal understanding of the education system, just an interest in the role, the ability to work as part of a team and the time to contribute. Support and training for this role will be provided.

Apply to become a school or academy governor

If you wish to discuss this opportunity in more detail please contact us at or telephone: 01904 554210.

Existing and upcoming Local Authority governor vacancies

Several positions are currently available, and some more governor positions will become available soon.

If, after reading the information for prospective governors, you wish to apply for one of these roles, please complete an application form confirming the vacancy in which you have an interest.

Recruiting a governor for your school or academy

Schools and academies can request our assistance to fill a vacancy within their:

  • board of directors
  • local governing board

Complete our governor recruitment skills request form and return it by email.

We'll match the skills you need with governors who are seeking an appointment.

Also see

Governor Support and Development Service

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA

Telephone: 01904 554210