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Visit YorSexualHealth for:

  • information about sexual health services
  • advice about your sexual health

Sexual health information for students

Visit the York St John University, University of York, York College or Askham Bryan College websites for useful information about sexual health services at your university/college.

Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)

Prevention is the best way to help control the spread of HIV and other STIs; if you’re having sex, always use a condom.

If you think you've put yourself at risk of getting a STI, telephone: 01904 721111 to arrange an appointment at the YorSexualHealth clinic or visit YorSexualHealth.

Age of consent

In the UK, the age at which young people can consent to a sexual relationship is 16. This is the same regardless of your sex, gender or sexual orientation.

It's against the law for anyone to have sex with a person under the age of 16.

Sexual health advice

See the range of sexual health services on offer in York on the YorSexualHealth website.

Also see

Public Health

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA

Telephone: 01904 553866

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