Speed limits help to improve road safety and the quality of life in communities, ensuring that traffic moves at a speed which is appropriate for the surrounding environment.
The police enforce speed limits and you should contact the police to report any dangerous driving at excessive speed.
Speed limits should be set at suitable levels so that drivers observe them. If a lower speed limit is proposed on a "fast road", then the change to speed limits is unlikely to reduce vehicle speeds.
Speed limits should not be used to address problems caused by isolated hazards, such as:
- road junctions
- reduced visibility
- sharp corners
Apply to change or introduce a speed limit
Request an assessment if you would like a speed limit to be lowered, raised or extended:
Change to speed limits application form
There is no cost for requesting an assessment.
All A and B class roads within the York area were assessed in 2011 against Department for Transport criteria and any required changes made. Further requests to review speed limits on these roads will not be considered at this time.
How we process your request
We ask the police if they would support a change before consulting with other bodies or the local community.
We'll consider all relevant factors before changing an existing speed limit, including:
- reducing accidents and casualties
- improvement to the environment
- conditions for vulnerable road users
- journey times for motorised traffic
- costs of implementation
- costs of engineering measures and their maintenance
- negative environmental impact of engineering measures
- costs of enforcement
Even if we support your request, there's no guarantee that the speed limit will be implemented.
We consider objections raised by other parties such as:
- the police
- parish council
- residents
If a change is agreed, a new Speed Limit Order has to be made and funding secured. The statutory legal process to implement or change an Order takes between 6 and 9 months.