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Taxi Times Newsletter Autumn 2024

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Published Sunday, 1 September 2024

Welcome to the Taxi Times, a newsletter for the taxi trade showing updates on legislation, policy and enforcement.

In this edition of the Taxi Times we’ve got information on:

We welcome your feedback. If you have any topics you’d like raised in this newsletter contact the Licensing Team with any comments.

Vehicle testing and retests

After consulting with you, our local taxi trade and fleet services, we've introduced a new form for annual vehicle inspections based on the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (VT29) checklist. It has some extra items which are required under private hire or taxi vehicle conditions.

The council’s vehicle inspection has a mechanical examination, and an inspection of the condition and fittings of the vehicle, as required by law.

The vehicle examiner may return the form with advisory notes on items such as the exhaust, steering and suspension, brakes or interior. If you're given an advisory note, don't panic! It may mean that your car has passed in this area but will require attention.

If your vehicle fails the inspection, the examiner will let you know what the defects are. Depending on what they are, the re-examination may be free, or a partial re-examination fee could be charged if the vehicle needs to be re-inspected in the depot, and if it is returned for re-examination within 10 working days.

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LNER updates the private hire pick-up point

Rendered graphic of new proposed York Station Gateway front

LNER and the York station management, have updated the drivers and customers designated private hire pick-up point.

It is now from the short stay car park, off Tearoom Square.

Please only use the portico for drop-offs.

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Online DBS checks

A condition for renewing your licence is having an up-to-date Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check.

The updated Taxi Licensing Policy proposes that when a driver is granted a licence, they subscribe to the DBS update service so officers can carry out quick online status checks. A subscription is annual and will save you money.

If you are due or are renewing your DBS, you can subscribe to the Online DBS service when you receive your certificate. You can find out more about the DBS Update Service.

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Safeguarding reminder

Please complete the safeguarding refresher training before renewing your licence.

These must be completed at least every 3 years and training can be booked online.

A course fee applies, for further information email:

Guidance on how to spot safeguarding issues and reporting your concerns can be found on the Safeguarding Adults website.

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Driving Blue Badge holders into the city centre

A map of the restored access routes for Blue Badge holders in the city centre

Please look out for an email from us reminding you about the two routes into the city centre during foot street hours, 10.30am to 5.00pm, for passengers with valid Blue Badges.

Please note: When the decision to reopen the routes was made, it was agreed that at very busy times or during major events, the routes would need to be closed temporarily. One of these times was expected to be the Christmas Markets.

This year's Christmas Markets will run from Thursday 14 November to Sunday 22 December, when footstreet hours will last an extra 2 hours and operate from 10.30am to 7.00pm. During these dates and times, Blue Badge holders’ and taxi access via Blake Street and Goodramgate will temporarily close.

Access will be allowed outside the footstreet hours, 7.00pm to 10.30am, when the moveable barriers will be open. We are contacting Blue Badge holders to inform them of this.

Please follow the new process when driving Blue Badge holders into the city centre, or when picking them up. Full details of the process for city centre access for Blue Badge holders.

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Pay online update

You now have an easy option to pay for licensing fees online!

You can now pay for your applications, renewals, transfers and DBS appointments at your convenience:

Select ‘Pay licence fees’ from the menu.

As we are not able to accept cash payments for any fees, please use this new secure systems which allows you to pay by debit or credit card.

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New Taxi Licensing Policy consultation

Thank you to everyone who took part in our consultation on the Taxi Licensing Policy. Your feedback is now being considered and a report will be discussed first by the Licensing and Regulatory Committee on 8 October, and then at Full Council on 21 November. You’ll be able to read the full report online a week before the council meeting.

Meanwhile, following consultation with you, our new Enforcement Policy has been approved which addresses unlicensed drivers, unsafe taxis, illegal plying for hire, and drivers and operators who fail to comply with the required standards. See the new Enforcement Policy.

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Dashcams and UK GDPR

The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has written a short guide to help small businesses who use dashcams and in-vehicle cameras, to comply with the UK’s GDPR.

Read the ICO's guide: Dashcams and UK GDPR - what small businesses need to know.

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Taxi Times