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Tenancy Policy

Tenancy Policy under review

We are currently reviewing our Tenancy Policy; the new version will be available on this page shortly.

Contact your Housing Management Officer if you're a tenant needing clarification on any of the areas of the Policy listed on this page.

The policy sets out our approach to tenancy management, tenancy support and the types of tenancy on offer for council housing tenants and future tenants.

It includes:

  • introductory, secure, demoted and non-secure tenancies
  • flexible tenancies and housing schemes
  • minors and tenancies
  • joint tenancies
  • ending a tenancy - surrender, court orders and abandonment
  • succession
  • mutual exchanges
  • tenancy reviews
  • Anti-social behaviour and tenancy fraud

Our aim is to help all our tenants achieve stability through effective tenancy management, and providing the advice and support that they need. The policy takes into account our Tenancy Strategy.

Tenants of properties we manage on behalf of Thirteen Group Ltd should refer to the Thirteen Group tenancy policy; this will have been provided at the start of the tenancy.

Tenancy fraud

You can report tenancy fraud to our Veritau Team; they investigate all suspected fraud, on our behalf.

We rely on members of the public reporting suspected fraud to us, and investigate all reports we receive. Any information you provide can be reported anonymously if you wish.

It is a criminal offence to rent your council home to someone else; this is sometimes known as 'subletting'. Under the Fraud Act 2006 and the Housing Act 1996, it is also a criminal offence to falsely apply for a council property, falsely claim you're entitled to take over tenancy of a council property from a relative, or falsely apply for a Right to Buy discount.

Fraud prevention and data matching exercises

We also carry out regular fraud prevention and data matching exercises to protect ourselves against fraud.

Also see

Housing Management Officer

Find contact details for your Housing Management Officer (HMO).

Find details of your HMO