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Travel and transport

Our Transport Services

Our Transport Services take a national lead in delivering sustainable transport initiatives; staff working in this area also manage, improve and regulate all the city's traffic and travel demands.

York - a sustainable transport city

York's compact size and flat landscape make it one of the most sustainable transport cities in the country, with high cycling and walking rates, and sustained bus passenger growth.

It's a city:

  • of over 220,000 people - large enough to be nationally recognised but small enough for targeted transport policy adjustments
  • hailed as the best place to live in the country with over 7 million visitors a year
  • the right size to be a 'test bed' for delivering 'cutting edge' traffic systems technology
  • where the Park & Ride service carries over 4 million passengers and over 15% of people cycle to work
  • with the political will and passion to ensure easier travel with the lowest possible environmental impact
  • where over £200m of transport infrastructure is proposed over the next 5 years
  • a key hub on the national rail network
  • in line for major investment as part of HS2 and Northern Powerhouse Rail
  • where bus operators work in partnership with us to deliver quality public transport options

Upcoming transport schemes in York

Some of our upcoming major transport projects include:

  • upgrading the outer ring road
  • the largest regeneration scheme in decades around York Railway Station
  • the introduction of one of the largest electric bus fleets in the country

Transport and traffic issues have a very high profile in York, where congestion and air quality levels are key concerns for the residents and our councillors. However, the city’s medieval road layout, and the presence of rivers and railways, create significant challenges.

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