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Ward Profiles contain summary statistics about individual York wards and how each ward compares with York as a whole.

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We usually update our Ward Profiles on a quarterly basis; they cover a range of topics:

  • York census data, including population demographics, tenure and household composition, qualifications, hours worked, general health and disability, working from home and travel to work
  • economic data, including Universal Credit and Job Seeker's Allowance claimants including age profile and long-term claimants, benefit claimants including out of work, incapacity and disability benefits, broadband connectivity and speeds
  • poverty data, including fuel poor households and children living in low-income families
  • health and wellbeing data, including child excess weight, life expectancy, mortality and hospital admissions
  • Adult Social Care, including social isolation, home care hours and clients, new customers, non-residential and nursing packages of care
  • public realm, including crime and anti-social behaviour, road conditions, issues reported and assisted waste collections
  • schools, including free school meals pupils and educational attainment
  • resident engagement, including responses from the Talkabout panel about the economy, local area, public realm and responses from council house tenants

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