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Jobs and training

York Skills Strategy

In March 2022, York’s Skills and Employment Board published a 10-year skills strategy for the city, 'Skills for Employment'.

York's 10-Year Skills Strategy

Building on the commitments made in the 1-Year Skills Plan, the strategy evolves the role of skills in York from a position of ‘helping people through change’ to supporting ‘21st century jobs’.

View the 10-Year Skills Strategy.

The 10-Year Skills Strategy sets out the steps needed to achieve a city workforce that is equipped with the skills to thrive and support future sustainable growth.

The vision for the strategy is:

‘Pioneering provision aligned to the needs of the city, its people and its businesses developed and delivered in partnership to support economic growth and attract, retain and develop talent’.

The strategy is underpinned by eight principles which place people, businesses, partnerships, technology and the city’s net zero ambitions at the heart.

The Strategy is structured around 5 commitments upon which it will be delivered:

  1. York works for individuals: work within and across communities to provide access to skills for employment and self-employment for all
  2. Empowered employers: support local businesses to increase productivity and build resilience through training and upskilling their workforce
  3. Pioneering provision: work in partnership to create a flexible city-wide skills system that responds to local needs
  4. York’s talent pipeline: through high-quality provision and a culture of lifelong learning, ensure a pipeline of talent that meets business needs and attracts, trains, retains and retrains people
  5. York shares: ensure information, advice and guidance is provided when needed in a timely and effective way

Get more information about skills, employment and training opportunities in York.

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