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Schools and education

Children and Young People's Plan

Children and young people are the heart of our city and are the focus of everything we do.

The York Children and Young People's Plan 2024 to 2027 represents York’s young people at a local and national level. It makes the mental and emotional wellbeing of York’s young people a top priority, as these are important issues for them.

Our responsibilities towards young people extend across a number of service areas and partners, including:

  • teachers
  • health and social workers
  • corporate partners
  • other professionals

Everyone who works with children and young people in York wants the very best for them; we aspire to deliver services and support that are the best in the country.

We remain united in our desire to ensure that children and young people are:

  • safe
  • resilient
  • enabled to achieve

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Family Information Service

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA

Telephone: 01904 554444