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Planning and building

Guidance for archaeological work

Community engagement

The public has a strong interest in archaeological issues. Excavations, both large and small, often attract a great deal of public interest. They also represent an opportunity for people to experience at first hand the excitement of archaeological work. This is recognised in the NPPF and by our emerging policy framework.

Where we commission archaeological projects, we require a high level of community engagement. This will involve direct involvement in the archaeological project and communication with a wide range of audiences.

Archaeological contractors will be expected to be able to provide all of the following services.

For Fieldwalking, Earthwork Survey, Geophysical Survey, Metal Detecting Survey, Excavations:

  • integration of community engagement provision into the WSI/project design for the project
  • organising in conjunction with us, an initial public meeting to start the project
  • liaison with York Community Archaeology Groups, local community groups, parish councils, schools and other organisations to create a Community Team to take part in the project activities including:
    • desk-based research
    • fieldwalking
    • earthwork surveys
    • geophysical surveys
    • metal detector surveys
    • excavation (supervision of fieldwork with the Community Team, a ratio of 1 professional archaeologist to a maximum of 4 community participants should be allowed)
    • post excavation data and finds analysis, report preparation, archive preparation and deposition
    • organising and participation in study days and seminars with the Community Team to discuss the results of the work in which they are involved

During the project:

  • provision of site notices and hand-outs to inform passers-by and casual visitors about the project
  • organising and participation in formal site open days (a minimum of 1 per project)
  • use of social media throughout the duration of the project
  • contributing to council news releases
  • taking part in broadcast media and social media live interviews
  • organising in conjunction with us, a public meeting to mark the end of the project on site and a public presentation after a report has been approved by us

For evaluations and building recording:

  • provision of site notices and hand-outs to inform passers-by and casual visitors about the project
  • organising and participation in formal site open days (a minimum of 1 per project)
  • use of social media (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Flickr, dedicated blog/ webpages etc) throughout the duration of the project
  • contributing to our press releases
  • taking part in broadcast media and social media live interviews

Flexibility, a commitment to working with the local community, and a demonstrable track record of successful delivery of community engagement in archaeological projects is required.

Also see


West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA