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Sports and leisure

Holding an event in York

Contact Make It York about holding an event in York city centre, or on other land we own, such as:

  • the renewal of wedding vows
  • filming in a council-owned park or open space

There may be a cost depending on the type of event and who is organising it.

Once a date has been agreed, we'll ask you to complete an application form. Once the event is confirmed, we'll agree a contract with you.

York Barbican concessionary days

York Barbican concessionary days are available to local groups, clubs and community organisations.

To be considered, your proposed event must:

  • promote the objectives of our Council Plan
  • provide activities or entertainment that appeal to and attract the widest cross-section of the community
  • be open and accessible to all with no restricted access

We'll give priority to events that:

  • enhance campaigns or public engagement programmes being delivered by us
  • provide opportunities for community engagement
  • deliver a high quality artistic programme
  • enhance the overall Barbican programme
  • have not previously been in receipt of a concessionary day

Concessionary days include rental fees and charges such as: use of backstage and 'front of house' facilities, in-house technical equipment, 'front of house' management, and stewarding. They do not, however, cover items such as box office and credit card commission, marketing and additional staff for duties such as loading and unloading production equipment.

The days are available as part of our lease agreement with York Barbican’s operators, SMG.

Also see

Make it York

21 Parliament Street, York, YO1 8SG

Telephone: 01904 909487