We provide details of school terms and school holidays 'per academic year' - these are the recommended 'school term dates' set for schools in our area; some schools and academies may have different arrangements - check with your school for confirmation.
Our recommendation is that each school year starts on the first Monday in September, and is 39 weeks long, leading to 195 school days.
How we set school term dates
We use regionally agreed principles for setting term dates in order to consider families who live, work or go to school in more than one Local Authority area in Yorkshire and the North East; we:
- work with neighbouring local authorities to set dates that have the least differences
- prioritise minimising differences with our immediate neighbours (North Yorkshire Council and East Riding of Yorkshire Council)
School training days
Each school sets days for teaching training, or "inset days", when they're closed to pupils. Dates for training days will be provided by each school and may be subject to change throughout the year. Contact your school directly for information about training days.
Temporary school closures
For information on unplanned school closures, such as in cases of bad weather, see: school closures.