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Council budget

2025/2026 Budget

The 2025/26 budget outlines some significant investment into both adults and children’s social care to enable us to continue delivering vital support to our most vulnerable residents. This essential funding delivers a financially sound budget, that reflects current pressures, whilst also ensuring a safe and effective service can be delivered across all statutory care services.

The challenges continue to be the uncertainty around future funding from government alongside managing increasing demand across all services, especially within social care.

Starting in May 2024, we undertook a comprehensive budget consultation which concluded in December 2024, prior to more formal public participation both at the Budget Executive meeting, 21 January 2025 and at Budget Council in February. By following a staged approach, the council iteratively built an understanding of both the impact of proposals on different demographics and community groups, together with how partners, businesses and residents can work together to deliver our shared ambitions for the city. Find further information about Our Big Budget Conversation.

The budget proposals can be viewed in full in the papers considered at the Budget Executive meeting, 21 January 2025.

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