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Council budget

2025/2026 Budget Consultation

Consultation on our 2025/26 budget will take place during the Autumn, please come back later to take part.

2024/2025 Budget

The focus of the 2024/25 budget was to stabilise our financial position, allowing us to continue to deliver crucial services and support to our local communities.

We will also continue our ambitious capital programme and invest in our city, from accelerating vital regeneration projects, such as York Central, to delivering new sustainable and affordable homes.

In December 2023 we held multiple meetings with community groups and organisations representing different sectors of the city to discuss ideas with them. You can view the session we held with businesses on the City of York Council YouTube account: City of York Council Budget Briefing, 12 December 2023.

We provided a further update to our plans before they were presented at Full Council with another public session on Monday 29 January 2024. Watch the City of York Council Budget Briefing, Monday 29 January 2024, on YouTube.

The budget proposals can be viewed in full in the Financial Strategy Report considered at the Executive meeting, 25 January 2024.

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