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Additional information about Councillor's Scheme of Allowances

This page addresses some additional information about Councillors' Scheme of Allowances.

Scheme of Allowances

A Scheme of Allowances is in place which details the allowances and expenses which Councillors may claim. An Independent Remuneration Panel (IRP) periodically reviews the allowances and expenses paid to City of York Councillors and makes recommendations to Full Council. As the name suggests, the members of the Panel are not Councillors or employees of the Council. Further information on the work of the IRP can be found under Review of Members’ Allowances and Expenses.

Types of allowances and expenses

Councillors receive a range of allowances and expenses to support them in carrying out their role. This includes:

A basic allowance

All Councillors are entitled to receive a basic allowance. This is paid as a monthly salary to Councillors to cover their duties and general administrative costs associated with being a Councillor.

A Special Responsibility Allowance (SRA)

These allowances are paid to Councillors who take on additional responsibilities, for example as a Group Leader or the Chair of a Committee.

There are a number of additional expenses which can be claimed. For example:


Members may be reimbursed for expenses incurred for travel outside of York on approved activities detailed in the Scheme of Allowances. A standard rate is paid for car mileage claims. Train or bus fares may also be reimbursed. Members may not claim for travel costs incurred within the City of York.

Cycle allowance

Those Councillors who chose to use a bicycle as their main mode of transport for attending to Council business are entitled to a monthly cycle allowance.

Dependence Carers Allowance

Details of the Dependent Carers Allowance can be found within the Scheme of Allowances. It is paid to Councillors who incur costs for care for their children or dependent relatives whilst they are carrying out council functions.

The details of allowances and expenses that have been paid to Councillors are published on the Council’s website and are also available on the York Open Data website.

In the interests of transparency, this information includes not only the allowances and expenses incurred by Councillors and which are reimbursed to them on a monthly basis, but also travel and subsistence costs which the Council incurs on behalf of Members and which are paid for directly by the Council.

For further information about Councillors' allowances and expenses contact Democratic Services.

Also See

Democratic Services

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Telephone: 01904 551088