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Your council

Council spending

Central government requires us to publish payments we have made to suppliers for goods, services and grants over £500. We are committed to being open and transparent about how we spend your money so we go beyond these requirements.

We publish details of all payments including:

  • all individual invoices
  • grant payments
  • payments to other public bodies
  • expense payments
  • credit notes
  • all expenditure made on purchasing cards (from October 2014)

The following are excluded:

  • payments made to staff
  • sensitive personal information, such as individual foster carer payments
  • any payments which may reveal details about an individual
  • internal charges between different parts of the council

By publishing this information, we allow greater transparency and greater engagement with our residents as they can inspect the data online.

See further information about our Freedom of Information publication scheme.

Payments to suppliers

Data about all our payments to suppliers is provided as CSV files on a monthly basis and is freely re-usable under the terms of the Open Government Licence via York Open Data.

Other council spending information

Our statement of accounts shows our income and expenditure for the current financial year and previous years.

If you have any queries regarding any business we have conducted or a particular transaction, email and we will aim to provide a response within 20 working days.

Also see

Corporate Finance

West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA

Telephone: 01904 551550