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Your council

Councillors' allowances and expenses

We publish details of the allowances and expenses paid to our elected members in the previous tax year, via York Open Data.

Detailed information is available on:

Scheme of allowances and expenses

Details of the allowances and expenses which members are entitled to are included in the Members’ Scheme of Allowances, or you can read some additional information about the scheme. The amount each member receives relates to the duties they perform and can include:

For more information about the members annual allowances and expenses, read the members allowances annual summaries.

Current Special Responsibility Allowances

See details of current Special Responsibility Allowances (SRAs) for roles where SRAs are payable.

Special responsibility SRA amount
Leader of the Council £34,176
Deputy Leader of the Council £23,923
Executive Member £20,506
Group Leader (Main Opposition) £15,379
Planning A Committee Chair £10,253
Audit and Governance Committee Chair £8,544
Licensing and Regulatory Committee Chair £8,544
Planning B Committee Chair £8,544
Customer and Corporate Services Scrutiny Management Committee £8,544
Deputy Group Leader (Group with more than 10 Members) £6,835
Group Leader (Minority Party) £6,835
Scrutiny Committees Chair £6,835
Lord Mayor as Chair of Council £3,418
All Councillors £11,392

Review of members' scheme of allowances

Members' allowances and SRAs are reviewed on a regular basis. The last review was carried out in March 2024.

See details of our review of members' scheme of allowances.

Also see

Democratic Services

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Telephone: 01904 551088