You can make objections (known as 'representations') to premises applying for the grant or variation of a gambling premises licence.
Objections must relate to one or more of the following:
- keeping gambling crime free
- making sure that gambling is fair and open
- protecting children and vulnerable adults
Objections must be made in writing and sent to Licensing Services within the 28 day 'representation period'.
The 'last date for representations' will be shown on:
- a notice displayed on the premises
- a public notice in the local press
- the licensing applications register
When an objection to a gambling licence is received
When objections are received, a hearing will be held to determine the outcome of the application. You will be invited to attend the hearing to verbally support your views. Hearings are held on our premises during the day and are attended by 3 elected members of the council.
You may choose to be supported at the hearing by a representative who may be your local ward councillor, MP, legal representative or anyone who will speak on your behalf.