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Flood and Coast Resilience Innovation Programme funding

Working with North Yorkshire Council and other local partners, we’ve recently secured funding from the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) to directly link those who have the means to deliver upstream flood prevention measures with those living downstream who will benefit from reduced flood risk

The work will focus on the catchment areas of the Rivers Swale, Ure and Nidd upstream of the City of York, which cover a large area of the Yorkshire Dales and the Vale of York. Although the concept of linking upstream landowners and managers with downstream beneficiaries is not a new one, this project aims to encourage and facilitate this approach on a much wider scale by rewarding and recognising those carrying out work upstream to reduce flood risk, as well as promoting an understanding and sense of ownership of the measures among those who benefit downstream. As well as identifying storage and natural flood management opportunities, the project will identify locations that will benefit from this work.

A number of demonstration sites will be developed throughout the catchment area of the three rivers to illustrate the techniques being used and highlight their benefits, and work will be carried out to engage with and raise awareness among the local communities that will benefit from the project. For more information about this project, visit Flood and coastal resilience innovation programme - GOV.UK.

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West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA
Red text-based logo with wavy line icon: Ousewem; rising waters, rooted solutions.

Find out about Ousewem, an innovative flood resilience project driving integrated, long-term approaches to safeguarding Yorkshire communities. Ousewem is part of the £200 million Flood and Coastal Innovation Programmes led by the Environment Agency.

Ousewem flood resilience project