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People and communities

Environment and community volunteering

Keep Britain Tidy logo

We support Keep Britain Tidy's campaign, The Great British Spring Clean.

The Great British Spring Clean and Great Big School Clean are returning from 21 March to 6 April 2025.

You can help in your neighbourhood by taking part in a litter pick, leaf clearing, or you can organise a community clean up event:

The Great British Spring Clean campaign is held annually, but if you want to get involved before, during or after the campaign you can organise a community clean up event at any time of the year.

See details of upcoming organised 2025 Great British Spring Clean events.

Our Environment and Community Officers work with volunteers to:

  • help maintain a cleaner, safer, greener environment in York
  • create attractive neighbourhoods
  • create a real sense of community
  • improve health, wellbeing and inclusivity

Organise a community clean up event

We can support you, your community group, charity or business to organise a one-off community litter pick or clean up event.

Register to organise an event by using our online form:

We lend our support to anyone wanting to be involved. Ways we can help include:

  • providing equipment, to help make jobs quicker and easier to do
  • collecting bagged litter
  • promoting community events
  • offering practical advice
  • sharing health and safety guidance

2025 Great British Spring Clean events

Date and time Location Meeting point
Saturday 15 March, 11.00am Garfield Terrace and surrounding area Outside Coring Food and Wines, Garfield Terrace, YO25 4XU
Monday 24 March, 10.00am Westfield Marsh Entrance opposite 60 Grange Lane, YO26 5DR
Wednesday 26 March, 10.00am Monkbridge Gardens At site opposite 7 Huntington Road, YO31 8RA
Wednesday 26 March, 2.00pm Kings Path to Hob Moor Entrance to path opposite 65 Kingsway West, YO24 4RD
Thursday 27 March, 10.00am Glen Gardens, East Parade Pavilion building in the park
Thursday 27 March, 2,00pm Viking Road Park Entrance next to 44 Viking Road, YO26 5EZ
Friday 28 March, 10.00am Kingsway North and Burton Green central reservations Opposite 4 Kingsway North, YO30 6JA
Saturday 29 March, 10.00am Heslington village Opposite Heslington Post Office, Main Street, Heslington, YO10 5EA
Sunday 30 March, 2.00pm Germany Beck area Germany Beck, Bishopdale Way, Fulford, YO19 4AE
Wednesday 2 April, 10.00am Vanguard Shopping Park Outside the Vanguard Management Suite (next to Prezzo), Vanguard Way, YO32 9AE

Also see

Environment and Community

Eco Depot, Hazel Court, York, YO10 3DS

Telephone: 01904 551551