We support Keep Britain Tidy's campaign, The Great British Spring Clean.
The Great British Spring Clean and Great Big School Clean are returning from 21 March to 6 April 2025.
You can help in your neighbourhood by taking part in a litter pick, leaf clearing, or you can organise a community clean up event:
The Great British Spring Clean campaign is held annually, but if you want to get involved before, during or after the campaign you can organise a community clean up event at any time of the year.
Our Environment and Community Officers work with volunteers to:
- help maintain a cleaner, safer, greener environment in York
- create attractive neighbourhoods
- create a real sense of community
- improve health, wellbeing and inclusivity
Organise a community clean up event
We can support you, your community group, charity or business to organise a one-off community litter pick or clean up event.
Register to organise an event by using our online form:
We lend our support to anyone wanting to be involved. Ways we can help include:
- providing equipment, to help make jobs quicker and easier to do
- collecting bagged litter
- promoting community events
- offering practical advice
- sharing health and safety guidance